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504 为什么要对自己有信心去实现目标?
Oct 15, 2012: Why is it important to have faith in oneself to attain the goal? Our Loving God gives us a beautiful message today.

A small lump of steel can become a beautiful and efficient watch through the application of intelligence and skill. Can not a human being be transformed into one who has realised the Ultimate through the application of the tools of discrimination and detachment? Have faith in yourself, your own capacity to adhere to a strict time-table of sadhana, your own ability to reach the goal of realisation. When you have no faith in the wave, how can you get faith in the ocean? Do not give ear to what others say. Believe your experience; what gives you peace and joy, the bliss of Aatma anandham - the joy of the Inner Self. Believe in that. That is the real basis for faith.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 8, 1966.
一小块钢,靠着才智和技巧,能变成一只漂亮有效率的手表,难道人不能靠着明辨力和无着,这两件工具,被转化成悟道圣者吗?要对自己有信心,相信自己有能力严格按照时间表修行,有能力明心见性。要是一点波浪你都没有信心,那在大海中如何能有信心呢? 不要听信别人讲的,相信自己的经验。能带给你自性法喜的,那种事情,你要相信。那才是信心的真正基础。
Learn today to give up attachments to the things of the world and seek the love of God.
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