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503 从牧女(Gopis)对主克里希那的虔诚中,我们学习到什么?而主对这种信徒的承诺是什么?
Oct 14, 2012: What can we learn from the devotion of the Gopis? And what is the Lord’s vow to such devotees? Bhagawan explains and reassures today.

Meditate upon the flute of Krishna and the melody it aroused in the veins of mankind, animals, birds, plants and even hills, rivers and rocks on sand dunes. Dwell also on the supreme love of the Gopis, their surrender of everything, gross and subtle, of ego and egoistic attachment at the feet of the Supreme Being. They spoke no word except prayer, they moved no step, except towards God, they saw and heard only Krishna in every being, they spoke every word of Him, to Him, no matter who was present with them. Lord Krishna filled their hearts and transmuted them into the most self-effacing group of devotees the world has ever seen.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 7, 1966.
冥想克里希那手中的笛子,悦耳的曲子回荡在人的血管中、在飞禽、走兽身上、在植物中、甚至在山丘、在河流、岩石、土堆中。并且沉思那些牧女对主克里希那至高的神性之爱,沉思她们对主的交托 ── 将一切都供奉在Purushottama(至高存有)的脚前 ── 粗糙的、细微的、自我意识、执着。她们除了祈祷外,别无话语,她们每一步伐,都是朝着神走。在众生身上,她们只看到克里希那,只听到克里希那,不管有谁在场,她们都只谈祂,只对祂说话。主克里希那充满了她们的心,将她们转化为一群世所未见最谦退、最消融自我的信徒。
You can transform even a wicked person through your love.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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