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502 如何养成去莠存良的思维方式?
Oct 13, 2012: How can we train our mind to welcome noble thoughts and weed out others? Bhagawan explains to us today with a powerful example.

Be thankful to the Lord, for He gave you Time, as well as action to fill it with. He gave you food, as well as hunger to relish it. But that does not entitle you to engage yourself in action indiscriminately. When you build a house, you install a door in it, don’t you? What is the purpose of the door? It has dual objectives - to welcome all you would like to offer hospitality to, and to keep out all and sundry, so that they cannot walk in whenever they like. So too, install a door in your mind. Select the impulses, the motives, and the incentives that appear in your mind and welcome them in. Keep out the demeaning, the debasing and the deleterious. Then, gradually you will be able to admit and experience the highest wisdom of the scriptures, the wisdom culled out of the crucible of experience (anubhava jnananam).
- Divine Discourse, Jan 1, 1964.
Love is the key to open the doors locked by egoism and greed.
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