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501 神有多渴望满足我们的欲望?我们需要做些什么准备? |
Oct 12, 2012: How eager is God to fulfill our desires? And what is it that we need to do? Bhagawan explains to us today.
The best among men is one who has compassion; the most blessed time is the 'present', this very second, and the best act is to relieve the pain and grief of others. You decide to start Naamasmarana (remembrance of the Divine Name) ‘next Thursday’, as if death has assured you in writing that he will not call on you till that date. Do not postpone what you can do today or do now, this very moment. Make your efforts towards your goal. The goal will near you faster than the pace with which you near the goal. God is as eager to save you as you are eager to be saved. He is Love, He is Compassion for all who flounder on the path. God grants the desires of each one of His devotees, and hence has won the name, Bhaktha Abheeshta Pradha.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 7, 1966. |
人中之杰,是那些慈悲的人。最神圣的时间,是当下。最佳的行为,是去解除别人的痛苦和悲伤。你决定‘下个星期四’开始念神号,好像阎罗王写下保证,在那天之前祂不会召唤你。今天或此刻就能做的事,不要拖延。把心血花在你的目标上,目标会走向你,比你向它走的步伐还来得快,你渴望获救,神也一样渴望救你,祂是爱,对所有在路上深陷泥沼中挣扎的人,祂是大慈大悲者。神答应祂每个信徒的愿望,因此赢得了Bhaktha Abheeshta Pradha的称谓。
Whatever the trouble, however great the sorrow, persist and win the battle by praying to the Lord.
[赛的启示] |