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497 如何在生活中获得和平与快乐?
Oct 8, 2012: How can we obtain peace and happiness in our lives? Bhagawan elucidates today.

If your thoughts are centred around the body, you will have worries of pains and illnesses, real or imaginary. If they are centred on riches, you will be worried about profit and loss, tax and exemptions. If they roam round fame, then, you are bound to suffer from the ups and downs of scandal, calumny and jealousy. So let them centre round the seat of power and love which deserve willing submission - the Name of the Lord. Let your whole being surrender to it. Then you will be happy forever. For the sages of the Vedic culture, the Name of the Lord was the very breath; they lived on the sustenance, which contemplation of the Lord’s glory provided. God is the very embodiment of Love. He can be won only through Love.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 3, 1965.
Winning love through love is a vital aspect of devotion.
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