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496 为什么我们要保养好身体?
Oct 7, 2012: Why should we care for the essential upkeep of the human body? Bhagawan clearly explains and motivates us today.

The body is but a boat, an instrument for crossing the sea of births and deaths, that you have earned through the merits of many generations. Crossing the sea is to realise the Dweller, in the Dwelling. The purpose of the body (deha) is to realize the Indweller (Dehi). So even when the body is strong and skilled, the intellect is sharp and the mind alert, every effort must be made to seek the Indweller. So keep your body fit, strong and free from trouble. Just as the boat should be seaworthy, your body too should be fit for its purpose. You must take good care of it
- Divine Discourse, Aug 3, 1966.
The human body, fitted with skills, capable of great adventures, is a gift from God to each of you.
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