主页 >> 赛的启示 |
495 我们要向神祈求什么?为什么? |
Oct 6, 2012: What must we seek from God and why? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.
When worship is rendered with a view to fulfill desires and realize wishes, the precious prize will be lost. Worship must cleanse the heart, so that God, the Indweller, may shine in all His glory. Know that desires tarnish the heart, instead of cleansing it. Invite a prince, who is yet a child to sit on the throne – he will start weeping, for he cannot play on the throne with his toys and pets. The adults would sneer at the boy’s fondness for toys, they would call it childishness. So too, all those, who keep away from the throne of ‘Sovereignty over themselves’ and prefer to play with the toys and pets of material things are equally childish, no matter what their age or status is!
- Divine Discourse, Oct 3, 1965. |
拜神若是着眼于一圆欲望和实现愿望,那么珍贵的奖赏就没有了。拜神一定要让心灵得到净化,这样,神 ── 内在寓居者 ── 才能显出祂全部的光辉。要了解,欲望不会洗涤心灵,反而会使心失去光泽。若是让一个还是小孩的王子坐在国王的宝座上,他会哭起来,因为在宝座上他不能玩玩具和宠物了。大人会讥诮他爱玩玩具,说他童心未泯。那些不想坐上‘统治自己’的宝座,想继续玩世间那些‘玩具和宠物’之类的东西的人,也一样是孩子气,不管他年龄多大,地位多高!
Have no desires to place before God, for, whatever He does with you; however He treats you, is the gift He likes best to give you! |
[赛的启示] |