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491 如何实践人类价值于我们的日常生活中? |
Oct 2, 2012: How to integrate the practice of human values in our day to day life? Bhagawan illumines us today.
A glowing electric lamp can be compared to Prema (Love). For the lamp of love to burn, there should be a bulb, which is Shanthi (peace). The electric wire connected to the bulb is Dharma (Right Conduct). The current flowing into the wire is Sathya (Truth). Thus, the lamp of love glows and sheds its light, using all other human values. Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi and Prema constitute a single whole and not separate values. All the four values have to be adhered to equally. Prema must express itself in professional life too. Develop the feeling that all in your place of work - managers, workers and others are members of one family. Develop fraternal feelings towards all. With mutual love and regard, harmony can be achieved even in one’s profession.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 10, 1990. |
爱好比一盏发光的电灯,要让爱之灯点燃,得有灯泡才行,那灯泡是shanti(平静),接到灯泡的电线是Dharma(义),流过电线的电流是sathya(真理)。像这样,爱这盏灯用所有其他的人类价值来发光。真理、义、平静、爱构成一个整体,而非各自分开的价值,四个价值要同时坚守。要在你的职业生涯中也表现出爱来,所有工作同仁 ── 经理、工人、其他人 ── 都是一家人,要有那种感觉,要视大家如兄弟姐妹。有了互爱和互敬,即使在职场,也能一片和气。
Your primary duty is to uphold the human values of truth, righteousness, peace and love.
[赛的启示] |