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489 如何辨认有限制性的感情和大爱之间的区别?
Sep 30, 2012: How do we identify the difference between restrictive affection and expansive love? Our Loving God explains and gives us a beautiful message today.

You must expand your love to as wide a circle as possible. That is how kulaabhimanam, mathaabhimanam and deshaabimanam - affection for one’s community, one’s religion and one’s country becomes desirable and commendable. If, instead of love, these create hatred towards other communities, religions and countries, then they become poisonous. Love your religion, such that you may practice it with greater faith! When each one practices one’s religion with faith, there can be no hatred in this world, for all religions are built on the principle of universal love.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 2 1965
Water flows from a higher level to the lower levels. God’s grace too is like that. It flows down to those who are bent with humility.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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