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488 如何使人生不虚此行? |
Sep 29, 2012: How to make life in society worthwhile? Bhagawan answers and gives us a timely advice today.
The Government, the administration and the people (prabhuthwam, adhikaaris and praja) are like the three blades of an electric fan; when all three rotate together in the same direction and at the same speed, they conduce to comfort. Anger, malice, greed, envy - all these are obstacles in the path of love and cooperation. They lower man from the Divine to the animal level. Bear with others with patience and understanding; practise forbearance and sympathy. Try to discover points of contact rather than that of conflict. Spread brotherliness and deepen kindness through knowledge. Then without fail, life shall become worthwhile.
- Divine Discourse, Aug 3, 1966 |
政府、行政部门、和人民有如电风扇的三片扇叶,当三者都朝同一方向以相同的速度旋转时,就可以带给人舒适。瞋心、恶意、贪念、嫉妒 ── 这些都是爱和合作这条路上的障碍,它们将人从神降低到禽兽层次。对人要有耐心,要能了解别人,要有耐性,能自制,要有同情心。要找出和别人的接触点,而非冲突点。透过知识,传播兄弟情谊,深化自己的仁慈。这样,人生肯定会不虚此行。
The spiritual path is the path of detachment, of sense control, of rigorous mind training.
[赛的启示] |