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487 什么是人的天性?如何显现出来?
Sep 28, 2012: What is the real nature of human beings and how can it be expressed? Bhagawan explains to us today.

There are some people, who always condemn themselves and their lives, and aspire for the grace of God to save them. They think that jeeva (individual) and Deva (Almighty) are two separate entities and can never merge or unite. This is untrue. Sin is not the real nature of human beings; it is acquired and can be shed. Man is pure, good, loving, wise. That is why in the Nilayam, I have stopped people from reciting shlokas which proclaim man as sinful, born in sin, revelling in sin, etc. Let the purity, which you are, get manifested; endeavour to express it in your activities; that is what pleases Me and wins My Grace.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 2, 1965
Practice the vocabulary of love – unlearn the language of hate and contempt.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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