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484 什么是我们天赋的重要工具?怎样善用它?
Sep 25, 2012: What are the key instruments gifted to us and how do we put it to best use? Bhagawan explains to us today.

The body is the temple of God, He is the resident of the heart, and intelligence (Buddhi) is the lamp that is lit in its altar. Protect the lamp and its glow from the wind that blows through the windows of the senses and threatens to put them out. Close the windows, do not keep them open for dire attraction from objects. Keep your intellect sharp, so that it may cut the mind into a diamond and convert it into a blaze of light, instead of being a dull pebble. Discrimination is an important instrument of spiritual progress. The reasoning faculty must be employed to distinguish between the limited and the unlimited, the temporary and the Eternal. Attachment, affection, and interests - these create prejudice, partiality, and illusion. They hide the truth and dull the intelligence.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 2, 1965.
身体是神的庙宇,祂是心的寓居者,菩提智(Buddhi,intellect)则是祂的神坛上点的灯,要保护那灯火,不要它被从感官之窗吹进来的风给吹熄了。将那扇窗关上,不要让它开在那儿,可悲的受外物吸引。保持你的菩提智的锐利,让它能将心念切割成一粒闪闪发光的钻石,而不是一颗没有光泽的小圆石。明辨力是让灵性进步的一件重要工具,一定要用这项理性能力来区别孰为有限,孰为无限,来区别无常与永恒。执着迷恋、情感、兴趣 ── 这些会制造成见、偏见、偏爱、错觉、幻想,它们会遮掩实相,让菩提智变钝。
Only by the light of the Divine lamp inside can you blossom as a worthwhile person.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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