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483 改善生活水平的正确方法是什么?
Sep 24, 2012: What is the right means to improve the standard of living in the present times? Baba gives us a profound answer today.

Those who plan to raise the standard of living today are watering the branches, the leaves and the blossoms of the tree of life. Instead, to nurture the tree, you must foster and water the root. So too, to lead a good life, you must foster and water the virtues, which are the roots, so that the flowers of actions, words and thoughts may bloom in fragrance and yield the fruit of service (seva), and the sweet juice of joy (ananda). Planning for food, clothing and shelter is only promoting the well-being of the cart. Also plan for the horse, which is the mind. The mind has to use the food, the clothing, the shelter and other objects in the Universe for the high purpose of escaping from the bonds of the ego to the Universal.
- Divine Discourse, Aug 3, 1966
Education is the root and Virtue is the fruit. Awake, arise and stop not till the goal is reached.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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