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482 为什么控制心念是那么的至关重要? |
Sep 23, 2012: Why are efforts to control the mind vital in life? Bhagawan answers this important question for us today.
This is an ancient observation true even today – that most people spend their childhood in pranks and play, their youth in sports, pleasure and pastime, middle age in plans and schemes to pile up a fortune, and old age in hospitals trying to bolster failing health through failing wealth. He has no time for anything else; his hands are too full. Earning and spending, one fills their time with work and worry. He has no peace, no spare time for sitting quiet in one place.
People are busy with a number of attempts to earn happiness, but success is little and short-lived. He does not know the panacea for all his ills, the effort that will result in total victory: the control of mind, which is the master of the senses. Every sense organ is an outlet for energy that binds one to the objective world. The senses are induced by the mind to move out and attach themselves to objects. You must make the mind submit to viveka (wisdom), which discriminates between right and wrong. Then the mind, instead of harming, will help you.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 2, 1965 |
人忙着作各种尝试来赚得快乐,结果勉强得到一点短暂的快乐。他不知道,所有这些病的唯一解药,一种能大获全胜的努力,就是控制感官的主人 ── 心念。每种感官都是一个能量出口,它将人与外在世界绑住,感官受到心念引诱,出笼,而附着于外物。你一定要让心念服从于明辨智,那种智能能明辨是与非。这样,心念就伤害不了你,反而会帮助你。
Train your mind to develop a taste for the good and the godly, not for money or material gains.
[赛的启示] |