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481 什么是快乐和平静的生活的基础?
Sep 22, 2012: What is the cornerstone to live a life of happiness and peace? Bhagawan blesses us with the answer as the message for today.

Statesmen and elected representatives declare that they are trying their best to develop the resources, natural and human, and to provide on the basis of those resources, food, clothing, shelter, education, employment, security and health to the people. But the development of the moral and spiritual resources are neglected and the provision of peace and spiritual happiness is ignored. Happiness and peace do not necessarily follow when people are fed and clothed well, comfortably housed and highly educated, well employed or when there is no injury to health or security. There are quite a large number of people who have all these in plenty but are yet worried, in pain or discontented. Peace and happiness depend on what lies within and not on outer skill or riches. Every being is fundamentally Divine and so, the more one manifests the divine attributes of Love, Justice, Truth and Peace, the more joy one shall be able to give and receive.
- Divine Discourse, Aug 3, 1966
To enjoy enduring happiness, fill your mind with pure thoughts and entertain fine feelings in your heart.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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