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480 我们应该交什么给主的银行保险箱来保管? |
Sep 21, 2012: What should we surrender in the locker (safe vault) of the Divine Banker? Swami clearly and lovingly shows us the way.
To protect valuables, jewels, legal documents and precious metals like silver and gold from thieves, you go to the banks and deposit them in the safe vaults or lockers. Thus, you dismiss the anxiety in your minds, are freed from worry and are able to sleep in peace at your homes. So too, you must surrender to the Lord, your jewels of intelligence, brilliance and capacity to serve. Most importantly, you attach a lot of value to your ego – leave it also to His care. Then you will be very happy. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna advises Arjuna – Maam Ekam Sharanam Vraja - Surrender to Me alone. Then, He assures, Maa suchah - You need not grieve at all.
- Divine Discourse, Jul 14, 1966 |
你为了保管值钱的东西、珠宝、法律文件、贵重金属如金和银,不被小偷偷走,而去银行开个保险箱存起来。这样你就无须担心,可以在家里高枕无忧。同样的,你也要把自己聪明才智和服务能力的珠宝交托给主。最重要的是,你把‘自我’的价值看得很高 ── 要把它也交给主来照顾,这样,你就会非常快乐。在《薄伽梵歌》里,主克里希那劝阿周那:依止我,并向阿周那保证:那你就再也无需悲伤。
Surrender to the Divine and develop a heart filled with devotion and love, you can face all the challenges of life.
[赛的启示] |