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475 为什么静默和微笑应该是每一个求道者的次要性质?
Sep 16, 2012: Why should silence and a smiling face, be the second nature of every spiritual aspirant? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Be firm to not discard the one Name and Form you have selected carefully; even if someone speaks ill about them. Hold fast to your chosen deity and save yourselves. At the same time, do not cavil at others’ chosen deities. Undermining the faith of another or disturbing your own - both are wrong. Faith is a plant of slow growth. Its roots go deep into the heart. Silence is the best spiritual practice to guard faith. Hence I insist that you adopt this as the first and most important step in your spiritual journey.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 30, 1965
Silence is the speech of the spiritual seeker.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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