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474 有时我们感到恶人似乎活得很愉快,而怀疑在面对困难时,是否能藉我们的正义行为得蒙救赎。世尊详解疑惑。
Sep 15, 2012: Sometimes we think that wicked people appear to be enjoying life and wonder if our noble acts will stand by us in difficult times. Bhagawan clears this apparent mystery.

When you are in need of money, you can borrow capital from banks, that is, if you mortgage land, jewels or property you have earned or inherited from parents or ancestors. The Divine Banker also lets you to draw upon the deposits made through noble acts from previous births. That is why, at times, you find some people, who are wicked and cruel, mean and miserly, appear to lead happy lives, free from pain and grief. These are drawn upon from deposits made in the past and they are entitled to that happiness.

Sometimes, this bank will grant you overdrafts, so that you tide over temporary crises; the extent of the overdraft is settled by the Manager with reference to your reliability and capabilities. It is like the anugraha (Grace), that God will confer on you when you have earned it by sath karma. sath chinthana, sath bhaava, sath sanga and Naamasmarana (good deeds, good thoughts, good feelings, good company and constant contemplation on the name of God and the glory it seeks to express).
- Divine Discourse, Jul 14, 1966
当你需要钱的时候,可以用自己赚来或继承自祖先的土地、珠宝、财产作抵押,向银行贷款。‘灵性银行’也准许你提领前世善行的存款,那就是为什么有时候你看到一些人,明明是既邪恶又残酷,卑鄙吝啬,却活得很愉快,没有什么痛苦和悲伤,他们在提领前世的存款,那些快乐是他们应得的。 有时候,银行准许你透支,来渡过暂时的危机。透支的程度,则由银行经理参考你的可信度和能力而定,它就像神恩(anugraha),是你借着善行、正念、正确的感受、益友、不断念神的名号和沉思神的荣耀,而赢得的。
Dharma destroys the one who violates it. Dharma also protects the one who protects it.
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