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472 慈爱的神接受哪些供品? |
Sep 13, 2012: What are the offerings the Loving Lord accepts instantaneously? Bhagawan emphatically declares in His message today.
The Bhagavad Gita recommends that you bring any of these – leaf, flower, fruit or water (pathram, pushpam, phalam and thoyam) when you come to the Lord; that when going to the presence of elders and saints, one should not go empty handed. But the Lord does not want any of these. When you demand a thing, you must be prepared to pay a price, equal to its value. If you are seeking the Divine, offer something divine. Love, Peace, Righteousness and Truth are Divine. Bring Me these or any one of these and I shall most gladly accept the gift. Do not offer the Lord mere flowers that fade, fruits that rot, leaves that dry or water that evaporates.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 30, 1965 |
《薄伽梵歌》建议,当你去见神时,应该带树叶、花、果、或水,任何一样 ── 去见长者或圣者,不该两手空空。可是这些东西神统统不要。你若要求一件事,就要准备付出与那件事价值相当的代价,若你在追求上帝,那就供奉些神圣的东西,爱、平静、义、真理,这些价值是神圣的。带这些东西给我,或是这其中任何一样,我会很高兴接受那份礼物。不要用会枯萎的花、会烂的水果、会干的叶子、或是会蒸发的水来供神。
Offer your virtues as flowers. Virtues fill you with beauty and fragrance.
[赛的启示] |