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469 今天世尊以一个非常简单的比喻,为我们解释业(Karma)的观念。 |
Sep 10, 2012: Today Bhagawan explains to us the concept of Karma through a very simple analogy. The Divine Banker explains to us how he guards our earnings.
I am glad that the State Bank of India is opening a branch here in the Prashaanthi Nilayam area. This Bank helps you to keep your money safe when you deposit it with them. They are happy to receive it from you; they will allow you to make use of it when you are in difficulty. But your money helps you only in worldly distress.
There is another Bank which receives deposits and maintains accounts strictly and confidentially. Every little sum is entered and accounted for deeds, thoughts, words, good, bad and indifferent. If this Bank takes good care of your aasthi (properties, wealth), that Bank watches whether you are an aasthika, a person who acts on the assumption that there is asthi--a sovereign guiding principle that is divine, that whispers warnings from the heart when dharma and sathya are infringed, when artha and kaama enslave man unchecked. No son can sue for that aasthi; no tax-gatherer can lay his hands on it. No crook can transfer it to his purse. Open a deposit account there, in that Bank, for your prosperity here and hereafter. That deposit, growing by your spiritual efforts, will give you joy and peace.
- Divine Discourse, July 14, 1966 |
很高兴印度银行(State Bank of India)在百善地尼乐岩开了分行,在这间银行存款,它能帮你安全保管。他们很高兴收你的钱,你有困难时,他们会让你用这笔钱。可是你的钱只能帮你解决世间的困苦。
另外有一间银行,也接受你的存款,维持你的户头,完全保密。每一笔小小的交易 ── 思想、话语、行为,好的、坏的、或不好不坏的 ── 都有准确记录。印度银行看管你的财富,这家银行则看你是否依照良心来行动,这良心来自神性,当你违背了义和真理时,当财富和欲望囚禁了你,完全未受遏止时,它会从你心中轻轻警告你。这家银行所帮你看管的财富,儿子要不走,税吏无法染指,骗子骗不走。为了你此生和将来的繁荣成功,在这间银行开个户头吧,那笔存款会因你灵性上努力而增加,它会带给你喜乐和平静。
Tender hearts, holy thoughts and loving speech – these invoke the Divine at all times.
[赛的启示] |