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468 如何明心见性? |
Sep 9, 2012: How should we strive to realise our true nature? Bhagawan firmly and lovingly shows us the way.
Never forget that you are Divine, that you are righteousness personified. Your duty (dharma) is to cultivate your faculties for the great adventure of realizing your oneness with the Divine. To accomplish that, your mind and intelligence must be fixed on your chosen Lord. You must meditate on Him in solitude and silence. Cultivate concentration. If your attention is distracted, no progress can be made. However, if you practice meditation in silence and solitude, you will be able to establish and retain that silence even in the busiest thoroughfares. Talk less, deliberately think more and practise discrimination. Then you can empty the mind of impulses, prejudices and preferences. In this manner you must strive to realize your true nature.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 29, 1965 |
Whenever and wherever you put yourself in touch with God, it is the state of meditation.
[赛的启示] |