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465 每个人都渴望舒适和快乐的生活。但是当追求财富和舒适时,什么是我们应该牢记的?
Sep 6, 2012: Everyone desires for a comfortable and happy life. But what should we always keep in mind when pursuing wealth and comfort? Baba answers this common yet difficult question with a beautiful solution.

Earning wealth is one of the legitimate objectives of human endeavour, without a doubt. It is one of the four objectives (purusharthaas) of every human life, the four being - righteousness, earning wealth, desire and liberation. The order they are mentioned in, has a purpose too. Righteousness has to direct and control the process of earning wealth and liberation has to be the regulating factor for one’s desires. All wealth accruing through unrighteous means is to be treated with contempt as unworthy. All desires that do not subserve the one supreme need for liberation are to be given up as beneath one’s dignity. So the spiritual basis of righteousness and liberation must be the root of both the pursuit of wealth and fulfilment of other desires.
- Divine Discourse, Jul 14, 1966
赚取财富无疑是人生合理的努力目标之一,它是人生四大目标之一,这四大目标是:义、财富、欲望、解脱。它们被提到的顺序,也有其用意 ──‘义’要指挥和控制赚取财富的过程,而解脱则必须是管制欲望的因子。不义之财要不屑为之,所有无益于了生死 ── 这个至高目标 ── 的欲望,都要当成有失尊严,予以抛弃。所以,追求财富和满足其他欲望,必须以义和解脱为根本。
Your good conduct is your true wealth.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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