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Sep 3, 2012: Can we ever attain that absolute Oneness with Divinity? Bhagawan through His message today completely dispels this doubt from our minds.

Every individual soul is destined to lose its separate name and form and merge in the Formless and Nameless. Some believe that since the particular, individual soul is caught up in birth and death, it can never attain the merger with the eternal. No! Using the opportunity of this birth, you must strive to break the bonds and cleanse yourself from sin. Attaining merger with Divinity is the only goal worth striving for. The scriptures have laid down the steps to attain peace, contentment and joy. Get acquainted with them through the learned people and experience these virtues. Never forget this – the first and most important step in the spiritual path is to remove the weeds in the garden of your hearts, by plucking away the bushes of lust and greed, hate and pride. Clear the ground thus and plant the fragrant flowering plants of pure love; the sweet fruits of virtue will then, soon emerge.
- Divine Discourse, 28 Sep 1965
每个灵魂都终就要失去其个别的名和相,没入那无名无相者,与之合一。有的人认为,灵魂身陷生死轮回,永远无法与那永恒者合一。非也!你一定要利用今生这个机会,斩断枷锁,洗清自己的罪恶。与上帝合一是唯一值得奋斗的目标。经典有立下抵达平静、知足、喜悦之境的步骤,你应该透过懂得的人去熟悉这些,并去体验这些美德。切勿忘记,灵修第一步,在于去除你心田中的杂草 ── 拔掉贪、淫、恨、傲的草丛,清理土地,然后种下开香花的植物 ── 纯洁的爱,那么,美德的甜蜜果实很快就会结出。
Consider all your acts as worship. Whatever happens, accept it gladly as His handiwork, a sign of His compassion.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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