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461 一个人的实力的真正标准是什么?如何能得到它呢? |
Sep 2, 2012: What is truly the measure of one's strength and how does one obtain that strength? Bhagawan explains today through a small anecdote.
To tame anger and other negative emotions is a hard and slow process, which requires patience, persistence and time. There was once a huge wrestler who was strutting along a street, proud of his physical strength and victory over many rivals. As he passed by, an innocent middle aged woman laughed at his stature. The wrestler observed this, gnashed his teeth in anger and was about to pounce on her. The woman retorted, “How can you consider yourself strong when you cannot even take a woman’s laughter calmly?” The wrestler, in a split second, realized his folly and hung his head in shame. Forbearance (Sahana) is the best spiritual practice (Sadhana). Practice forbearance and fortitude - this is the foremost and greatest lesson from the scriptures.
- Divine Discourse, July 3, 1966 |
驯伏瞋心和其他负面情绪,是一个既困难又缓慢的过程,需要耐心、持之以恒和时间。有一次,一位体形壮硕的摔角选手神气十足的走在街头,为自己的力气和无敌感到骄傲,当他经过一位天真无邪的中年妇女时,这位中年妇人笑他的身材,摔角选手气得紧咬牙关,想揍她,那妇人反驳道:“连个女人的嘲笑,你都沉不住气,怎能说自己很强壮?”摔角选手顿时体悟自己的愚蠢,羞愧得低下头。Sahana(忍辱、自制)是最好的Sadhana(修行)。要有忍辱和坚忍刚毅的精神 ── 这是经典上首要而最伟大的一课。
Love, Forbearance, Kindness and Compassion are the essential qualities for spiritual transformation.
[赛的启示] |