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457 感官所玩弄以误导我们的游戏是什么?如何克服它们?
Aug 29, 2012: What is the misleading game played by the senses on us? How can we overcome them? Swami answers this tough one with a secret for us today.

The scriptures point out the means of securing everlasting joy, but people are drawn to earn shadowy joys and fleeting pleasures that are fraught with evil and harm. They are trying to draw water with a pot full of holes. The senses leak out the joy they draw. The senses are wild untutored servants who dictate terms to their master – the mind. The mind has to be brought under your grip. Then the servants will fawn at your feet. The mind is the monarch; the senses are the soldiers; the soldiers are now ruling the king, because he lends his ears to them and not the intellect, who is the Prime Minister. Let your intellect take charge. The light of the Sun (your Soul) is obstructed by the thick clouds of desire for sense objects and objective pleasure. Let the strong wind of repentance and resolution scatter these clouds, so that the Aatma may shine forth brilliantly.
- Sathya Sai Speaks, Sep 28,1965
经典上有指出获得永恒快乐的方法,可是人却受到虚幻的快乐和短暂的享乐所吸引,这种快乐充满了恶和害处。他们在尝试用一个到处都是漏洞的罐子来汲水,汲取到的快乐都从感官漏了出去。感官是野的、未经教导的仆人,它们还反过头来命令它们的主人 ── 心念。你必须牢牢控制心念,这样,这些仆人就会在你跟前摇尾乞怜。心念是帝王,感官是士兵,现在士兵统治起帝王来了,因为帝王听信他们,而不听信于他的大臣 ── 智性。要让你的智性来负责掌管。太阳(你的灵魂核心)所发的光为乌云所遮,这乌云是对感官事物的欲望和身外之物带来的快乐。让忏悔和决心的强风吹散这些云,好叫阿特曼发出它的光芒。
When you use your senses in a sacred way, you can certainly see the manifestation of God.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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