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456 在今天的每一颗心和每一个家庭里普遍发现的沮丧和不满,其根本原因是什么?
Aug 28, 2012: What is the root cause of distress and discontent, prevalent in every heart and home today? Our Loving God provides us with a solution today.

By an inordinate attachment to the Seen, one becomes an alien to the realm of the Unseen. Know that the Unseen is the basis of the Seen. The Unseen gives stability and value to the Seen; the Unseen is the One that is true and valid. In spite of the warnings administered by countless saints through the centuries, people have forsaken the Unseen for the sake of Seen. The Unseen alone can confer contentment and courage to face fortune as well as misfortune. Ignoring the Unseen causes discontent and distress. To overcome this, develop devotion and you are free, for the Lord takes on the burden you carry.
- Divine Discourse, July 3, 1966
人由于执着迷恋于‘形而下’── 看得见之事物,丝毫不加节制,使得那个看不见的‘形而上’的领域,对他成了陌生的国度。要了解,形而上是形而下的基础,形而上赋予形而下稳定性和价值,形而上才是真实不虚。虽然自古以来无数圣者警告过,人们还是为了形而下而抛弃形而上。只有形而上能给人满足,能给人勇气面对幸与不幸。忽略形而上,造成不满和沮丧。 培养虔诚情怀,你就自由了,因为神会承担你的担子。
Compassion towards all beings is devotion to God.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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