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454 我们都必须了悟的最终事实是什么?我们需要做什么?
Aug 26, 2012: What is the ultimate fact we all must realise and what do we need to do for the same? Bhagawan guides through verses of the Geetha.

In the Geetha, Krishna said to Arjuna, “I am the witness; through Me, this conglomeration of the five elements called Universe, all these moveable and immoveable objects, are formed. Whatever the name or form worshiped, I am the Recipient; for I am the Goal of all. I am the only One. There is no Other. I Myself become the Worshipped, through My many Names and Forms. Not only this, I am the Fruit of all actions, the Bestower of the Fruit, and the Prompter. To realise Me is indeed liberation. He is the Jivanmuktha (liberated even while alive) who attains that realisation. Arjuna, if one yearns to become a Jivanmuktha, one has to eradicate fully the attachment to the body.”
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 18
在《薄伽梵歌》里,主克里希那对阿周那说:“我乃见证者,经由我,地、水、火、风、空五大凝聚成这个世界,万物 ── 会动的、不动的 ── 于焉成形。不管人们膜拜何种名号或形象,接受者都是我,因为我是他们所有人的最终目标,我是唯一的,没有‘另外一个’。透过我的许多名号和种种形象,我本身成为受膜拜的对像。不仅如此,我还是所有行动的果实;赐予那果实的,也是我;促成那项行动的,也是我。了悟我,就是了生死。到达那种了悟的人,是Jivanmuktha ── 还活着,但已了脱生死。阿周那,欲成为Jivanmuktha,必须完全去除对身体的执着。”
Consider all your acts as worship. Whatever happens, accept it gladly as His handiwork, a sign of His compassion.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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