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452 越来越多的疾病的根本原因是什么?什么是有效的治疗方法?
Aug 24, 2012: What is the root cause for the increasing number of illnesses? What is the effective cure? Our Loving God explains to us today.

Often we read reports that the number of patients treated are increasing year after year. This is worrisome. Illnesses are caused not so much by the food people eat or the conditions in which they live, but by mental weakness and attitudes, prejudices and predilections. Desires, disappointments, despair – these also cause diseases. For many illnesses, filling the mind with thoughts of God is the curative drug. For others, regimented diet, sleep, appropriate pastimes and activities are effective cures. The scriptures taught this regimen and the proper mental attitudes, and these teachings are invaluable in the present context. Remember, ‘Mitha Thindi, Athi Haayi’ – Moderate food gives excellent health. Eat to live – Do not believe that you live in order to eat.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 26, 1965.
常常有消息报导,接受治疗的病人一年年增加,令人忧心不已。造成疾病的原因,吃的食物或居住条件倒还不如心智软弱、态度、偏见、偏好等因素来得重要,欲望、失望、绝望 ── 这些也会造成疾病。对许多疾病来说,让心中充满对神的思念,是药方。其他疾病则可由养生的饮食、睡眠、正当的消遣和活动来有效治疗。这个养生之道和正确的心态在经典上有教导,这些教诲对此处所讨论的东西有无比的价值。记住,节制饮食能带来极佳的健康。要为活而吃,不要认为活着是为了吃。
Love and fortitude, moderate food and moderate sleep - these will ensure the upkeep of your health of body and mind.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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