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450 有时我们感到绝望,因为灵道旅程还很长,以及不知道如何完成它?世尊了解我们的忧虑,并给与我们希望。
Aug 22, 2012: Sometimes we despair that we have a very long journey to God, and wonder how we can make it? Bhagawan understands our concerns and gives us hope today.

A boat may be a small appliance, but it can take you across the river. A lamp may be a tiny device, but it can light your path across a jungle. A torch may illumine only a distance of two yards, and you may have to go two miles. Do not despair. What is required is your persistent effort! Hold the torch in your hand and walk on. With every step, the torch will illumine a few steps more and you can safely cross the two miles. But you must walk, without sitting idle by the roadside. Make the effort, move from one stage to another listening to God’s Glory, recapitulate His sweet messages and concentrate on Him. Let your every act be saturated with devotion. Devotion should not be something that adds spice to your life – it truly must be the very breath of your life. Devotion should inspire your every act, thought and word.
- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 6, Chap 15
船虽小,却能载你渡河;灯虽小,却能照亮前路,让你穿过森林。一把火炬也许只能照亮前方两码的距离,而你却要在夜里走两哩路。但是不要绝望,你需要的只是不断的努力,握住火炬继续前进,每向前走一步,火炬都会照亮更前方的几步路,所以你可以安全抵达目标。但是你一定要向前走,不能停下坐在路旁。继续向前走,从一步走到下一步 ── shravanam(听闻神的殊胜事迹),mananam(将神的讯息做一扼要说明或重述),nidhidhyaasanam(集中心念于祂),只是,要让你的每一行动充满虔诚,虔诚不能只是调味料,加了好让人生更有风味,它必须是你生命的根本气息,虔诚要能给你的行为、思想、和话语带来启发。
One who is nourished by the nectar of devotion will have no desire for anything else.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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