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448 如何能够达到不会中止的快乐? |
Aug 20, 2012: How can we attain happiness that cannot be deterred? Bhagawan explains and guides us today.
Housing, clothing and food gives physical comfort and happiness. Education, development of skills, and knowledge about the world gives a means for livelihood. However the ancient adage says that real and lasting happiness cannot be won by physical happiness (“Na Sukhaat labhathe sukham”). Lasting happiness – happiness that will not be shaken, diminished or modified by changing wheels of fortune can only come by the discipline of the mind, and faith in a Higher Power. The lamp of spiritual awareness has to be lit and fed continuously, so that one’s footsteps can take that path and proceed unharmed to that state of true happiness.
- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 6, Ch 13 |
食、衣、住的提供,给人物质上的舒适和快乐,教育、职训、对世界的知识则提供人谋生之道。但是,古谚有云,真正而持久的快乐无法由物质的快乐得到。持久的快乐 ── 那种不因时运好坏而有所动摇、降低、或改变的快乐 ── 只能靠修炼己心和相信有一个更高的力量存在,才会来到。这盏灵性觉知之灯,必须要点燃,并经常给它添油,好让自己能沿那条路前进,安然无恙的到达那种真正快乐的境界。
Every true human being has the noble qualities of adherence to truth, duty, devotion and discipline.
[赛的启示] |