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447 获取怎样的知识才可以帮我们摆脱生死的循环? |
Aug 19, 2012: Acquiring which knowledge can help us break free from this cycle of birth and death? Bhagawan explains to us through the message Lord Krishna gave Arjuna.
The various forms of wisdom one acquires are all useful at some stage or the other of one’s spiritual development. But by none of them can one escape the cycle of birth and death! Anubhavajnan, the knowledge that you yourself experience, alone can set you free. The teacher can be of some help in the process, but cannot show you your real self. You have to visualise it yourself! For this one must be steeped in earnestness. Sincerity is essential even for the performance of the smallest act in the world – be it a human being, bird, beast, worm, or a virus - all have to be earnest to succeed in their tasks. When there is no earnestness in the act, there will be no fruit. And also one has to be free from vices like envy. The person who has faith in that Wisdom, who is devoted to acquire it, and is full of yearning to earn it, will surely realise God.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 18 |
这时阿周那问了一个问题:“克里希那,我不太了解你所谓的般若智能,它是从老师那里耳闻而来的知识? 还是从经典中拣出来的知识? 还是这知识是由有证悟体验的人传授的? 这其中哪一种能令人解脱?”
克里希那回答:“你讲的几种知识,在个人灵性成长的某些阶段都有其用场,可是没有一种能让你了生死! 能了生死的知识叫做Anubhava Jnana ── 自己亲证、亲身体验的般若智能,只有那种智能才能让你获得自由。在过程中,老师能帮上一点忙,但是他无法指给你看你的本来面目,你必须自己去明心见性。除此之外,你还要不带嫉妒等恶习,那样,你才能被称为Purna Jnani ── 有圆满般若智能的人。对此般若智能有信心,并充满渴望,全力投入去获得它,这种人才能抵达我。
You worship with faith and you experience Grace. Faith results in Grace, without your being aware of it.
[赛的启示] |