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445 我们生活在这个虚妄的世界中,如何才能彻悟最终极的真理?
Aug 17, 2012: How should we lead our lives in this illusory world so that we may grasp the Ultimate Truth? Our Loving God explains to us today.

In Truth (Sathya), there is no illusion (Mithya). But in the illusory world you have to search for Truth and experience it. This you can achieve only if you rid your mind of all modifications and modulations. Let it be like the sky, which does not bear any mark, though millions of birds fly through it and thousands of planes move across it. Let your mind be unattached, untouched and unaffected. This is the spiritual discipline that will reveal the Reality and ensure you both physical and mental equanimity.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 26 1965
真中无幻 ── 在真理中没有幻象。然而,在这个虚妄不实的世界中,你得去寻觅实相,并去体验它。要做到这一点,必须除去心中所有的修饰和调节,让它像天空一般,上万的鸟儿飞过,成千的飞机驶过,却没有留下任何痕迹。让自己心无执着、不为尘世所动、不受外境影响。这种修炼,能显示实相,让你的身心都得以淡定。
The heart is like a vessel. Fill it with qualities of Truth, Love and Sacrifice.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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