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442 如何善用如此宝贵的人生?
Aug 14, 2012: What is the best way to leverage the precious gift of human birth? Our Loving God gives us important tips today.

If the mind is immersed in bliss, the body will not suffer from illness. The human body is the vehicle which you have to use for attaining the state of bliss, and so it has to be kept safe and strong for that noble purpose. It is an instrument for spiritual effort, which has been earned by the merit of previous births. Every moment, the body is speedily proceeding towards dissolution, and so time should not be wasted in vain pursuits. Do not get attached to the body; treat it as a wound, which has to be covered by bandage (clothes), treated with drugs (food) and also washed regularly. Then you can get rid of the inordinate attachment.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 26 1965
Attachment to property or position is born out of a sense of possessiveness. This is the cause of sorrow and unhappiness.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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