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441 什么是学校教育的灵魂和目的? |
Aug 13, 2012: What should be the soul and purpose of school education? Bhagawan gives us instructions that are important to all involved in children’s education.
Schooling is not merely for food and delight, for earning a living and to enjoy leisure. Its true purpose should be to activate the qualities of wisdom in action, non-attachment and discriminatory power (Viveka, Vairaagya and Vichakshana). The root is education and the fruit should be virtues. Every school must shape its students into citizens, worthy of the country’s precious heritage and spiritual wealth. Otherwise, all schooling is a waste of time and money. Schools are the temples of the Goddess of Wisdom who grants to each child the wisdom to grasp the Ultimate Truth and acquire knowledge that will dispel ignorance forever. The school must facilitate this and ensure stability in all the students to practice the virtues of Truth, Righteousness and Peace, through the blossoming of Love.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 18, 1966. |
When one feels that he knows everything and is unwilling to learn from elders he becomes unfit for undertaking the spiritual quest.
[赛的启示] |