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440 我们要如何玩并赢得人生这场游戏?
Aug 12, 2012: How should we play and win in the game of life? Our Loving God explains to us today.

Why waste precious time in scandalous talk and criticisms of others' behaviour? Cultivating envy, malice, hatred and anger against others is an evil pastime that recoils on oneself. In every one there is resident the self-same divine spark; so cavilling at the neighbour is tantamount to cavilling at Divinity. The game of life is worth playing and becomes interesting only when there are bounds and rules which limit and control. Imagine a game of football without any rules or boundaries – it will be chaos; it will be a free fight, a riot. No one can say who wins and how. The path of virtuous conduct (Dharma maarga) is the boundary of the field, in the game of life. Play the game, paying heed to the warnings of ‘foul’ and ‘out’, and let your virtues win over the vicious tendencies within you.
- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 6, Ch 13
为何浪费时间去聊那些八卦、丑闻和批评别人? 培养对别人的嫉妒、恶意、憎恨、愤怒,是一种邪恶的消遣,到头来会反噬自己。人人内部都寓居有相同的神圣火花,所以,指摘批评邻居,等于指摘批评神。人生这场游戏,只有在定下规则和界限,加以限制和控制后,才变得趣味盎然,值得一玩。想象一场没有规则、没有边界的足球赛,那一定是一团混乱、一场自由打斗、一场暴动,无法分出胜负。正义、美德这条道路,就是人生这场游戏的边界。去玩这场游戏,当心‘犯规’和‘出局’的警告,让你的美德打败你的恶劣习性,赢得胜利。
Life is a challenge, meet it; Life is a game, play it; Life is love, enjoy it.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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