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438 Janmashtami (圣主克里希那生日)的意义是什么?我们应该如何庆祝这一天?
Aug 10, 2012: What is the significance of this day, Janmashtami and how should we mark this occasion? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Janmashtami is the sacred day which marks the auspicious arrival of the Advent of the Formless, Nameless, and Timeless Absolute into a Living and Loving Form. The Divine appeared as Krishna to charm humanity through His pranks, His play, His song and sweetness and to instruct mankind through His teachings and grace. What one has to do on this auspicious day is to dwell on the elevating thoughts centering round the Lord in this form and take the first or further steps in the spiritual path. Use such sacred days as starting points for propitiating the Form of Godhead which you have chosen for offering homage, the Form which appeals to your innermost yearnings.
- Divine Discourse, Aug 19, 1965
Janmashtami(圣主克里希那生日)是一个神圣的日子,那一天,无形无相、无终始的梵(道、上帝),化为活生生、充满爱的形相,降临人间。上帝示现为克里希那,以祂的顽皮、淘气、恶作剧、祂的神迹游戏、祂的歌、祂的亲切,让人类为之倾倒,并透过教导和恩典来教化人类。在这个殊胜的日子,你该做的是:想着上帝的这个形相,心怀相关的崇高念头,开始或继续你的灵性旅程。用这个神圣的日子做为开始,取悦你所膜拜的神 ── 亦即你所选择的最引起你内在渴望的上帝形相。
Worship the husband as the Lord; Serve the children as Sri Krishna was served by Mother Yashoda. See in them the Lord you revere.
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