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437 要怎样去理解‘一’的原则?
Aug 9, 2012: What should we do to understand the principle of Oneness? Bhagawan explains to us today.

The ancient adage says, "ha sukhaat labhathe sukham" -- Real and lasting happiness cannot be won through physical happiness. Lasting happiness, happiness that will not be shaken or diminished or modified by good fortune or bad, can come only by the discipline of the mind and faith in a Higher Power that guides all the deeds and words and thoughts of man. The lamp of that spiritual awareness has to be lit and fed, so that the footsteps of man can take that path and proceed unharmed. The Vedhas and Shaasthras have declared that man can attain that stage of happiness through performing one’s duty, and then worshipping the Lord by dedicating to Him this duty. One’s intelligence is cleared of the dust of doubt and delusion, through that dutifulness and dedication.
- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 6, Ch 13
古谚有云:“真正、持久的快乐无法经由物理性的快乐得到。”持久的快乐 ── 那种不为顺境、逆境所动摇、减低、或改变的快乐,只有靠锻炼心念和相信有一个更高的力量,才会来到。这个更高的力量是人的身口意的引导者。这盏灵性觉知的灯,必须加以点燃,并添油,这样,人才会沿着那条路前进而不受到伤害。吠陀经和其他经典都宣称,那种快乐的境界,可以藉由以下方式达到:以尽职责的心来从事行动,并将这个行动献给神,来膜拜祂。那种职责感和奉献之心,可以除去人智力上的灰尘 ── 疑心和妄见。
The body should be regarded primarily as an instrument for the realisation of the Divine through the nine forms of devotion.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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