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435 真正的快乐之秘诀是什么?
Aug 7, 2012: What is the secret to true happiness? Our Loving God gives us a beautiful message today.

In the path of devotion, for those who bargain and crave for profit, reverence is equated with returns; they sell homage at so much per unit of satisfactory response. They calculate how much they are able to extract, like paid servants clamouring for wages, overtime allowances, bonuses and so on. One must be a member of God’s family, a kinsman, a friend of God. You must feel that you are the Lord’s very own. Then your work will not be tiring, you will be able to carry it out in a better manner and it will yield more satisfaction too. In return the Lord Himself will maintain you in bliss. Leave the rest to Him. He knows Best. The joy of having Him is enough reward. This is the secret of human happiness. Live out your lives on these lines and you will never come to grief.
- Divine Discourse, Aug 19 1965
All work is God’s; He inspires, He helps, He executes, He enjoys, He is pleased.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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