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433 有关主的天性,我们透过如《薄伽梵歌》的经典可以了解些什么? |
Aug 5, 2012: What can we understand about the nature of God through scriptures such as the Geetha? Bhagawan elucidates today.
The Lord reveals Himself through the scriptures. The Bhagavad Geetha is one text from where you can get a complete picture of the nature and characteristics of Avatars (Divine incarnations). The Lord acts as a friend, companion, charioteer, teacher, guide and guardian of His devotees. The Mahabharatha war is not a chapter in ancient history – it is taking place in every human heart between the forces of good and evil. The one who recognizes the value of installing the Lord as his charioteer is certain to win. Others fail to foil the forces of evil and succumb to it. Accept the Lord as your Master. Surrender all activities to Him, dedicate your words and deeds and thoughts to Him as flowers at His Feet – In the Geetha, To the one who surrenders, the Lord assures: ”I shall Liberate You”; He assuages, “Do not grieve”.
- Divine Discourse, Aug 19, 1965 |
主透过经典来显示祂自己,《薄伽梵歌》就是这么一部经典,你可以从中得到关于道成肉身天性与特征的一幅完整图案。主扮演各种角色:朋友、伴侣、战车驾驶、老师、以及祂的信徒的向导与保护者。《摩诃婆罗多》之战不是古代历史的一章,它就发生在每个人的内心 ── 一场善的力量与恶的力量的战争。能供奉主于心中,当他的战车驾驶,体认到这种做法的价值,这种人注定会赢。其他的人则未能击败恶的力量而屈服了。要接受主为你的主人,交托所有行动给祂,供奉你的思、言、行(身、口、意),如同献花于祂跟前。在《薄伽梵歌》里,那些交托自己给主的人,主向其保证:“我将让你了脱生死”,并安抚说:“不要悲伤。”
The grace of God is like insurance. It will help you in your time of need without any limit.
[赛的启示] |