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431 我们应该如何引导出和保持儿童天性的善良?
Aug 3, 2012: What should we do to bring out and preserve the native goodness in children? Bhagawan explains to us today.

The human heart when young is very soft. It responds to grief and pain in fellow beings. It is the example of elders, the lessons they receive from parents, the company they get into, and the wrong training they receive in school and society that harden their hearts into stone. Parents must not find fault with others in the vicinity of children or show their hatred or envy before their tender minds. Children should be taught to share the grief and joy of others; and to be never jealous of others happiness or success. Instead of giving room to the feeling of envy, teach them to emulate the hard work of the successful, to pray for intelligence, or for a sharper memory. Keep those young hearts soft.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 18 1966
Good character is developed and sustained by constant practice of good actions.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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