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430 我们如何做到‘避免犯罪’这个极困难的任务,和达成最终的目标——了脱生死?
Aug 2, 2012: How can we accomplish the overwhelmingly difficult tasks of freedom from sin and the final goal of liberation? Bhagawan explains to us through a practical example and encourages us.

Arjuna asked, “Lord! Is it ever possible for Japam to bring about both results? Of course, it is easy for You to declare so, but trouble starts when we follow the path of Japam and Dhyanam.” Krishna replied, "Practise, steady practice will ensure you both results - freedom from sin and liberation. Never underestimate the importance and power of practice! You would have known examples of how practice makes even an animal execute difficult tasks – for example, look at the horses yoked to the carts, elephants on the battlefield! Those elephants have rendered assistance in battle which even man with the superior equipment of reason cannot do! Consider how this was made possible for docile elephants living in forests as herds? Fighting on the battlefield is not their nature. These are ample proof of the value of practice. Draw strength and confidence in the value of practice. Practice the withdrawal of the mind from the senses; it will slowly and steadily develop the skills which will release you from bondage.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 16.
阿周那问:“尊者,念神的名号有可能二者 ── 除罪业和了生死── 都得到吗? 当然你说说容易,可是我们一修这个法门,念神名号和静坐,就遇到困难。” 克里希那回答:“练,勤练,能让你两种成果都得到 ── 除一切罪业和了生死。切勿低估练习的重要性和威力,你应该知道连动物经过练习之后,都能执行困难的任务,看看这些拉战车的马,看看这些战场上的大象,牠们在战场上提供的帮助,连具备‘理智’这项优越装备的人都做不到! 想想看这是如何做到的,住在森林里的野象,在战场上战斗不是牠们的本能。这些都是勤练具有功效的明证,要相信勤练的价值。同样的,练习将心从感官中收回,这样能渐渐发展出一套技术,让你从束缚中解脱。”
Practice speaks louder than precept.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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