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429 今天世尊解释必需教导儿童和学生的要旨,以创造一个好国家。
Aug 1, 2012: Today Swami explains what are the essentials to be taught to children and students so as to create a good nation.

The character of children must be made strong and pure. Give them all the confidence and courage they need, to become good, honest and self-reliant. It is not enough if they learn to make a living - the manner of living is more important than the standard of living. Children must also be taught to have reverence towards their religion, culture and to educational attainments. Children must learn well their mother tongue, so they can appreciate the great poetical works and epics written by the seers of their land. These will give them valuable guidance during the stormy days of their life. Above all, they must develop a deep reverence for their motherland.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 18 1966
一定要让孩子的品性强壮而纯洁,给予他们信心和勇气,以便让他们成为诚实而能自立的好孩子。如果他们只学会怎么谋生,那是不够的 ── 生活方式比生活水平来得重要。一定要教孩子去尊敬自己的宗教、文化。孩子一定要熟悉他们的母语,才能欣赏他们国家的古代先知所写的伟大诗文和传奇史诗,这些东西能在他们遭遇人生风浪时,给予宝贵的指引。他们必须深深尊敬自己的祖国。
Education is the means of unfolding the moral and spiritual potentialities of man.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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