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426 我们怎能获得神的恩典?需要作出怎样的努力?
July 29, 2012: How can we win divine grace? What effort does it call for? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Individual effort and Divine Grace are both inter-dependent; without effort, there will be no conferment of Grace; without Grace, there can be no taste in the effort. To win that Grace, you need only have faith and virtue. You need not praise Him in order to win His favour. For example, I did not like the fulsome praises with which you flooded Me in the address which was read when this meeting started. I am yours and you are Mine. This is a family gathering; as a matter of fact, all gatherings that I meet are family gatherings. The entire mankind is My family. It sounds very improper when a member of the family is extolled by another before the rest. This is a habit, a ceremonial, that is borrowed from political life, where ministers are given addresses wherein they are praised so that some benefits may accrue to the place which they are visiting and which present those praises.

The present decline in spiritual progress that is so marked among the heads of monastic institutions and leaders of orders is due to this indiscriminate flattery heaped upon them by fawning groups. Praise feeds the fire of egoism and fogs genuine faith. The disciple or pupil should not flatter the Guru, nor should the Guru flatter the pupil or disciple. The relationship should be like that of father and son. If the son flatters the father or if the father fawns upon the son, it would be ridiculous.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 27 1966.
个人的努力和神恩彼此依赖,没有努力,就没有恩典;没有恩典,努力就索然无味。要赢得神恩,只要信心和美德就够了,你不需要赞美神来赢得祂的好感。例如,我就不喜欢你们在今天这场聚会开始时的致词里,所讲的一堆阿谀与赞美我的话。我是你们的,你们是我的,这是一场家庭聚会。其实所有我到场的聚会,都是家人聚会,全人类都是我家人。当着大家面前,一个家人颂扬另外一个家人,是非常不妥当的,这是一种习惯,一种从政治界学来的礼仪,官员莅临某地,在开场白里他被赞美一番,于是当地自然会得到一些好处。 当今灵性上的衰微,在那些道院寺庙的住持和僧团领袖身上特别显著,就是因为巴结奉承的人对他们一味的阿谀谄媚。赞美会助长我执的火焰,迷惑了真正的信心。弟子不该谄媚师父,师父也不该谄媚弟子,二者之间应如同父子,儿子谄媚父亲或父亲谄媚儿子,都很可笑。
Knock: the doors of Grace will open. Open the door-the sun's rays waiting outside will flow silently in and flood the room with light.


Command the mind, regulate your conduct, keep your heart straight and clear, then you will get the grace of God.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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