主页 >> 赛的启示 |
425 在我们生活中,我们可能会记得或遗忘许多事情和经验。什么是千万不能忘记的? |
July 28, 2012: In our life we may remember or forget many events and experiences we witness. But what are those things we cannot afford to forget? That is the message Bhagawan blesses us with today.
Human beings are endowed with memory, as well as the faculty to forget. Both are useful skills. Perhaps, the power to forget is even more important – otherwise people will lament over the loss of millions of parents and kinsmen from previous births, and also the insults and injuries they suffered in this birth. Luckily the power to forget helps with all of these. People often remember only those things that have impressed them as significant – their birthdays, wedding days, their debtors, etc. Tragedy is that people forget the most critical thing about their earthly career – the key to happiness and liberation. Man cannot afford to forget the questions - “Who am I? Where am I going? Where did I come from? What is the nature and purpose of all this movement and change, is there any stable base, any goal or aim, direction or director?"--these questions cannot be brushed aside from the mind of man. They come to him and harass him, when he is alone with something grand and awe-inspiring in Nature, or with some incident, terrible and shocking, in his own experience. It is not wise to forgo these precious moments and turn once again to the humdrum of life, without pursuing the inquiry to which one is prompted.
- Divine Discourse, Jul 14 1965. |
人有记忆的天赋,也有遗忘的能力,二者都是有用的技能,也许遗忘的能力更重要,否则人会为了过去无数世以来所失去无数的父母和亲属而悲痛,并且对这一世所受到的侮辱与伤害难以释怀。幸好遗忘的能力对这些都有帮助。人们往往只记得那些令他们印象深刻的重大事件 ── 生日、结婚纪念日、向他们借钱的人、等等。悲哀的是:人忘记了他们这趟地球之旅最关键的事 ── 快乐与解脱之钥。这些问题人不能忘记:我是谁?我会去哪儿?我来自何处?这一切的变和动,其本质与目的为何?其背后有没有一个稳定不变的基础?有没有一个目标?有没有一个方向和导演?── 这些问题在人心中挥之不去,每当他独处时,面对大自然中壮观、令人肃然起敬的东西,或是生命中一些可怕、令人震惊的事件,这些问题就会再度侵袭心头。抛弃这些宝贵的时刻,再度回到懵懂的人生,不继续探究下去,是很不智的。
Come into the world with the question, "Who am I?" Leave it with the answer, "God I am."
[赛的启示] |