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419 我们有各种形式的执着,它们的根源是什么?
July 22, 2012: What is the source of the various forms of attachment we suffer from? Bhagawan explains through a simple example.

You have a house in this city; you have lived in it some years; you call it yours; your are proud of it; You take great care to see that the house that you own and live in is charming, impressive and comfortable! You get angry even if a poster is pasted on its walls. Then one day, you sell it. It is no longer the object of your attachment. Even if lightning strikes it, you are not disturbed! With the money you got, you purchase some fields. Now your attachment moves to the fields. When flood waters invade those fields, you are very concerned and you run hither and thither trying to save them from harm. Over a period of time, you sell them and put the money in a bank. Now, your attachment grows towards the bank account. Now what exactly is yours and what are you attached to? It is not the house, fields, or money; it is prestige, comfort, show, greed – things that arose in your mind as desires! Truly it is your ego that you are attached to. That was the thing which induced you to claim these things, one after the other, as yours!
- Divine Discourse, Mar 27, 1966.
你在这城市有一栋房子,住了好几年了,你说它是你的,引以为傲,你小心翼翼的让它保持醒目而舒适,有人在你屋子的墙上张贴广告,你就一肚子火。然后有一天,你将它卖了,它不再是你执着迷恋的对象,纵使闪电击中它,你也无所谓。卖屋的钱,你用来买了一些地,于是你开始执着迷恋于那些地了,闹水灾时,你忧心忡忡,疲于奔命,希望减少损害。过了一阵子,你把地也卖了,卖地得来的钱你存在银行,这下你开始执着于那笔银行存款了。所以究竟什么是你的?你到底在执着什么?房屋、田地、钱吗?都不是。你执着的是威望、舒适、爱“现”、贪 ── 在你心中生起而形成欲望、冲动的那些东西。基本上,你是在执着于你的自我,是“自我”这个东西使你陆续宣称房屋、田地、钱这些东西为你所有。
Come out of the well of ego into the sea of the Universal Spirit, of which you are a part.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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