主页 >> 赛的启示 |
418 就与主的关系而言,一个人必须不断地努力以达到哪一个阶段?如何走向那种状况? |
July 21, 2012: In one’s relationship with the Lord, which is the stage one must ever strive to reach and how does one progress towards that state? Bhagawan explains today.
The ears relish evil, they do not welcome goodness. They are so warped and perverted. There are different types of 'listening'; the clay type: clay becomes soft when water is added, but, when it evaporates, it is rendered as hard as formerly. The mind becomes soft when religious discourses are heard. But, when you move away, the effect is lost. Then there is the crow type: however much you may teach it to improve its voice and to sing, it does not try nor can it improve; it caws and caws as raucously as before. There is the mosquito type' which goes on harassing you at the very moment when you would much rather have an hour of silence. It cannot be shooed off, it attacks again and again, taking delight in inflicting harm. Do not cater to such low desires; control the listening. The Gopees desired to listen only to Krishna's Glory, Krishna's Charm, Krishna's Words, Krishna's Pranks, Plays, Pastimes, Krishna's Achievements, His Attainments. When you fill yourselves with love for Krishna (Krishna Prem), you achieve saaruupya and saayuujya (likeness of form and absorption into Krishna). Strive for that consummation, not for lesser victories.
- Divine Discourse, Jul 13 1965. |
Stay away from impure listening, impure acts, impure words and impure thoughts.
[赛的启示] |