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417 要在临终前心系于神,该怎么办?
July 20, 2012: What does it take to turn one’s mind towards God in one’s last moments? Bhagawan explains and shows us the path.

To have the mind fixed on God in one’s final moments, is not something that can be accomplished easily. It presupposes long training, and certain accomplishments. This is referred to as Purva samskara. The mind should have gone through a certain course of rigorous discipline. That alone is not enough; the mind must discard all other thoughts as low and inferior, even as defiling. This disgust towards all other objects should grow in strength. When these two are present, concentration on the Divine will certainly emerge and be steady during the last moments.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 16.
要在临终前心系于神,并非易事,它需要长期的训练,之前要已经到达某种境界,叫做Purva samskara。心念必须先经过某些严格训练。那还不够,心还要抛弃所有其他念头,视那些念头为低劣,甚至视之为肮脏、亵渎。这种对所有其他东西的厌恶,要逐渐增强。当这两者都具备了,临终时,心自然会稳定的想着神。
Master the Mind, Be a Master-Mind.
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