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416 我们所结交的人,在我们的灵道上有何重要?
July 19, 2012: What is the importance of the company we keep, in relation to our journey to the Divine? The Divine Master explains to us through absolutely wonderful examples today.

Seeking good company and spending all available time in that comradeship called sathsang (holy company), will help the aspirant a great deal. You are shaped by the company you keep; Iron turns into rust if it seeks the company of soil. It glows, softens and takes on useful shapes, if it enjoys the company of fire. Dust can fly if it chooses the wind as its friend; however if it prefers water, it has to end as slime in a pit. It has neither wing nor foot, yet it can either fly or walk, rise or fall, according to the friend it selects. Knowing this truth, the great saint, Kabir once said: "Here are my prostrations to the good, here are my prostrations to the bad." When asked why he offered salutations to the bad, he replied, "My prostrations to the bad, so that they may leave me alone. I do the same before good, so that they might remain near me always."
- Divine Discourse, Nov 14, 1976.
Pay any price to avoid the company of the bad. Pay any price to acquire the company of the good.
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