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415 虽然是不同的个体,我们是如何彼此,以及和上帝连接在一起?
July 18, 2012: How as individual entities are we connected to each other and to the Lord? Bhagawan explains and guides us today.

In a beautiful flower garland, the quickest to strike the eyes are the flowers, while the thread upon which they are strung has to be inferred, it is not so patent. But without the connecting thread, they all fall off. So too, without that bond in Divine, you will fall off as entities unrelated to the rest of your fellow beings. Never forget that every one of you are beings with a Divine spark within. The Divine Current flows through and activates each of you.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 27 1966.
True education is that which develops in you love for your fellow-beings and motivates you to serve God in everyone.
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