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414 该用何种方式尊重和膜拜神圣的经典?
July 17, 2012: In what way must the holy books and scriptures be honoured and worshipped? Bhagawan explains to us today.

When young men and women go out to countries overseas, their aged parents are worried about their reactions to the attractions of the strange culture. The father or mother write to their children, pleading with them not to give up the family habits of worship, prayer, food and drink. The children may have tears in their eyes with fond remembrance of their parents, but that is all. They then yield to the temptations and slide away. The spirit with which the letter is written is not honoured in action. So too, many worship the sacred books that have noble thoughts present in them. They shower flowers and offer prayers, but when it comes to practising even a bit of what is written in them, it seems an impossible task for most! You must live in love, and practice it, every single day without fail.
- Divine Discourse, Jul 13, 1965.
When your thoughts emanate from a mind purified by love, they will result in right action (Dharma).
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